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Click ID for 3rd Party Redirects (General)
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Describes how to enable Enhanced Attribution for Yahoo Click ID using 3rd party redirects in general. Refer to specific guides for Google Campaign Manager or FlashTalking.
How It Works
To implement the Yahoo Identity Enhanced Attribution solution, the key-value pair that represents the Yahoo VMCID parameter and click ID macro must be appended to third-party click tracker tags. This is needed because the click tracker expands to a destination URL after being clicked by a user, and the click ID can then be included with this query string.
The goal is to have an expanded click ID macro passed from the click to the landing page URL where this expanded click ID will be passed to the Yahoo Dot tag on the landing page. This click ID provides the connection between a click and a conversion without using a cookie and will record click conversions within Yahoo ad platforms.
Click ID Components
Yahoo VMCID parameter:
Yahoo click ID macro:
Add the combination of the parameter and macro to the Click-Through/Destination URL: vmcid=${CC}
Below is an example of a click-through URL with the Yahoo click ID included (assuming semicolon delimiters). Note that this may vary with each third-party platform:
The ${CC}
macro will expand into a value that represents the specific click ID for that event in the Yahoo ad platform, which will be passed within the query string when the user clicks on an ad. The vmcid parameter and expanded click ID value then need to be passed to the landing page URL where it will be stored in the Yahoo Dot tag placed across the advertiser site and used to track a conversion.
If you have any questions, contact your Account representative.