Yahoo DSP Traffic API
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    Yahoo DSP Traffic API

      Article summary

      Learn more about the Yahoo DSP Traffic API using the following resources:



      Getting Started

      Quick start guide.

      Sandbox Environment

      This guide describes how you can use a sandbox environment that can be used in your development workflow to test the creation and management of advertising campaigns.

      Rate Limits

      This guide documents rate, weight, and quota limitations enforced by the platform.

      Account Groups

      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read accountgroups objects.


      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read ad objects.


      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read advertiser objects.


      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read audience segments used in line targeting.


      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read campaign objects.


      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read contextuals used in line targeting. Additional service for obtaining contextual categories from supported providers are also documented here.


      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read creative objects.

      Data Dictionary

      The Data Dictionary guide documents services that enable you to obtain static DSP data such as currency types, timezones, and targeting types.


      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read deal objects.


      This guide documents services that enable you to read data for one or more exchange objects.


      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read line objects.


      This guide documents services that enable you to specify advertising strategies.


      The seats API enable users with multiple seat licenses to read, update, and create advertiser data across seats.

      Site & App Lists

      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read site lists and app lists used in line targeting.


      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read line targeting objects.

      User Groups

      This guide documents services that enable you to create, update, and read user groups used in line targeting.

      Digital Out Of Home

      This guide documents services that enable you read DOOH Screen Owners, Venue Types, and Screen Lists used in line targeting.

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