- 17 Minutes to read
- 17 Minutes to read
This article identifies the campaign performance metrics available through the DSP Reporting API, describes how they are measured or calculated, and explains how you can use the metric type ID attribute to select and filter report data.
A metric is quantitative measurement of data: a number (a sum, average, or ratio) that measures the performance of a line or campaign during the reporting period. For example, the Impressions metric tracks the total number of impressions served.
Campaign performance metrics include both standard metrics and calculated (or derived) metrics.
Standard metrics represent measurements of ad impression event data and campaign values that are stored in the fact table.
Calculated metrics are derived from the combination of two or more metrics.
Metric Types
Every campaign performance metric is identified by a unique metric type ID. You can specify metric type IDs in request payloads to select report data or filter grouped data based on metric values:
Metric type IDs specified in the
array determine the metrics returned in a report. To learn more, check out Report Option Object.Metric type IDs, metrics values, and comparison operators specified in the
object define metric-value filters to select ad impression event data. To learn more, check out Having Object.
The table lists DSP Reporting API metrics by metric type ID, provides the formula for calculated metrics, and indicates whether the metric type is available to clients with seat or GAN access.
ID | Metric Type | Description | Seat Access | GAN Access | Yahoo Native Specific? | Limitations |
1 | Impressions | Tracks the number of impressions served. An impression occurs whenever an ad is loaded and displayed. | Y | Y | N | |
2 | Clicks | Tracks the number of ads clicked. A click occurs whenever a user responds to an impression by clicking an ad. | Y | Y | N | |
11 | CTR | Tracks the click-through rate, the percentage of users who view an ad that end up clicking that ad:
| Y | Y | N | |
23 | Conversion | Tracks the number of conversions. A conversion occurs whenever a user responds to an impression with an action that is defined by a conversion rule. | Y | Y | N | |
25 | Start Views | Tracks the number of videos started. | Y | N | N | |
26 | 25% Completions | Tracks the number of video starts that resulted in at least a 25% completed video. | Y | N | N | |
27 | 50% Completions | Tracks the number of video starts that resulted in at least a 50% completed video. | Y | N | N | |
28 | 75% Completions | Tracks the number of video starts that resulted in at least a 75% completed video. | Y | N | N | |
29 | 100% Completions | Tracks the number of video starts that resulted in a 100% video completion. | Y | N | N | |
30 | Drop Rate at 0% | Tracks the percentage of video starts that were not dropped at all. | Y | N | N | |
31 | Drop Rate at 25% | Tracks the percentage of video starts that were dropped before at least 25% completion. | Y | N | N | |
32 | Drop Rate at 50% | Tracks the percentage of video starts that were dropped before at least 50% completion. | Y | N | N | |
33 | Drop Rate at 75% | Tracks the percentage of video starts that were dropped before at least 75% completion. | Y | N | N | |
41 | CPC | Tracks the cost per click, the average cost paid for each click:
| Y | Y | N | |
42 | CNVR | Tracks the conversion rate, the rate of conversions per impressions served:
| Y | N | Y | |
43 | CPA | Tracks the cost per action, the average cost per conversion recorded:
| Y | Y | N | |
44 | Advertiser Spending | Tracks the total budget delivered as measured by the ad server. | Y | Y | N | |
45 | Advertiser eCPM | Tracks the effective cost per thousand impressions:
| Y | N | N | |
49 | Network Profit | Tracks network profit based on inventory costs. Note: Network Profit does not take into account data costs, data verification services costs, and other fees. | Y | N | N | |
50 | Network Profit % | Tracks the percentage of Advertiser Spending that is profit. Note: Network Profit % does not take into account data costs, data verification services costs, and other fees. | Y | N | N | |
51 | Network eCPM | Tracks the network eCPM, the effective cost per thousand impressions paid by the network:
| Y | N | N | |
53 | Average Frequency | Tracks the number of impressions served per unique user:
| Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
62 | 25% Completion Rate | Tracks the percentage of video starts that resulted in at least a 25% completed video. | Y | N | N | |
63 | 50% Completion Rate | Tracks the percentage of video starts that resulted in at least a 50% completed video. | Y | N | N | |
64 | 75% Completion Rate | Tracks the percentage of video starts that resulted in at least a 75% completed video. | Y | N | N | |
65 | 100% Completion Rate | Tracks the percentage of video starts that resulted in a 100% completed video. | Y | N | N | |
100 | Yahoo+ Measurable Impressions | Tracks the number of impressions measured for viewability. Note: Not all impressions may be measured because of technical limitations or publisher page design. | Y | N | N | |
101 | Yahoo+ Viewable Impressions | Tracks the viewable impressions per MRC Viewable Impression Guidelines.
| Y | N | N | |
102 | Yahoo+ Viewable Rate | Tracks the percentage of measured impressions that were viewable:
| Y | N | N | |
103 | Yahoo+ Nonviewable impressions | Tracks the number of impressions that were not viewable:
| Y | Y | N | |
104 | Yahoo+ Non-Measurable Impressions | Tracks the number of impressions where viewability could not be measured:
| Y | N | N | |
105 | Yahoo+ Measurable Rate | Tracks the percentage of impressions measured for viewability:
| Y | N | N | |
106 | Impression Distribution Viewable | Tracks the percentage of impressions that were viewable:
| Y | N | N | |
107 | Impression Distribution Nonviewable | Tracks the percentage of impressions that were not viewable:
| Y | N | N | |
108 | Impression Distribution Nonmeasurable | Tracks the percentage of impressions that were not measured:
| Y | N | N | |
109 | View Through Conversion | Tracks view-through conversions. A view-based conversion occurs when a user views an ad impression. | Y | N | N | |
110 | Click Through Conversion | Tracks click-through conversions. A click-based conversion occurs when a user clicks on an ad impression, and eventually converts on the advertiser’s site who served the ad. | Y | N | N | |
111 | View Through Conversion Rate | Tracks the percentage of view-through conversions. | Y | N | N | |
112 | Click Through Conversion Rate | Tracks the percentage of click-through conversions. | Y | N | N | |
113 | View Through CPA | Tracks the view-through CPA rate, the cost per view through conversion:
| Y | N | N | |
114 | Click Through CPA | Tracks the click-through CPA rate, the cost per click-through conversion:
| Y | N | N | |
115 | Unique Viewers | Tracks the number of unique users. | Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
129 | Seat Management Fee | Tracks the cost/fee charged for professional services provided by the platform account team. | Y | N | N | |
134 | Filtered Impressions | Tracks the number of filtered impressions. | Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
135 | Filtered Clicks | Tracks the number of filtered clicks. | Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
137 | Conversion Value | Tracks the ROAS conversion value. | Y | N | N | Supported only for USD |
138 | ROAS | Tracks the return on ad spend:
| Y | N | N | Supported only for USD |
163 | Moat Viewable Rate | Tracks Moat viewable rate for display metrics:
| Y | N | N | |
166 | Moat Viewable Impressions | Tracks Moat viewable impressions for display metrics. | Y | N | N | |
167 | Moat Measurable Impressions | Tracks Moat measurable impressions for display metrics. | Y | N | N | |
168 | VCPM | The Viewable CPM (vCPM) price. Some video advertisers determine ROI by looking at the cost to deliver only viewable impressions. These advertisers may use vCPM to bid the maximum amount they want to pay for a viewable ad. | Y | Y | N | |
169 | CPCV | When a viewer watches a video to completion. | Y | Y | N | |
171 | Cross-device Conversions | Tracks the number of cross-device conversions. | Y | N | N | |
173 | Qualified Bid Requests | The number of bid requests the ad qualified for, based on its targeting criteria. | Y | Y | N | Valid only when dataSource=15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
180 | Yahoo Data Fees | Tracks Yahoo data fees. | Y | N | N | Supported only for USD |
184 | Third Party Data Fees | Tracks third party data fees. | Y | N | N | Supported only for USD |
188 | Order Management Fee | Tracks the order management fee. | Y | N | N | |
192 | Ad Serving Cost | A variable cost that tracks expenses associated with the third-party storage, tracking, and delivery of assets including per-impression charges and fees. | Y | N | N | |
196 | Ad Verification Cost | A cost associated with the measurement and verification of target delivery. | Y | N | N | |
200 | Audience Measurement Cost | A variable cost that tracks expenses associated with the identification and measurement of delivery to specific audiences, segments, or devices. | Y | N | N | |
204 | Brand Safety Cost | A variable cost that tracks expenses related to inventory quality, brand safety, and fraud avoidance. | Y | N | N | |
208 | Viewability Cost | The cost of third-party viewability targeting services you opt in to in the Vendor Store. | Y | N | N | |
212 | Other Cost | A custom fee type that you define at the line level for margin management calculations of miscellaneous costs associated with running digital media campaigns. | Y | N | N | |
216 | Total Variable Cost | The total amount of your variable costs (ad serving costs, verification, audience measurement, brand safety, viewability and other). | Y | N | N | |
242 | Moat Impressions Analyzed | Tracks the number of impressions tracked by Moat. | Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
243 | Moat AVOC | Tracks the number of measurable impressions where the ad played to completion and was both visible and audible on completion. | Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
244 | Moat AVFH | Tracks the number of Moat measurable impressions that are both audibile and fully on-screen for at least half of the ad’s duration. | Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
245 | MOAT Measurability Rate | Tracks the Moat measurability rate, the percentage of impressions where Moat viewability was measurable:
| Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
247 | MOAT AVOC Rate | Tracks the Moat AVOC rate, the percentage of measurable impressions where the ad played to completion and was both visible and audible on completion:
| Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
249 | Skipped Ads | Tracks the total number of skipped ads. | Y | N | N | |
254 | Bid Responses | The number of bid responses made to qualified bid requests. | Y | Y | N | Valid only when dataSource=15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
260 | Total Vendor Fee | The total cost of the third-party vendor services you purchase in the Vendor Store, such as targeting, inventory quality and measurement services. | Y | N | N | |
296 | Bid Price Without Multiplier | The bid price with no bid multipliers applied. | Y | Y | N | Only valid when data source = 15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
298 | Bid Price Without Multiplier Order Currency | The bid price without a bid multiplier in the campaign currency. | Y | Y | N | Only valid when data source = 15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
301 | Multiplied eCPM | The bid price with a bid multiplier factored in. | Y | N | N | Only valid when data source = 15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
302 | Bid CPM | The CPM bid. | Y | Y | N | Only valid when data source = 15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
304 | Bid CPM Order Currency | The CPM bid in the campaign currency. | Y | Y | N | Only valid when data source = 15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
305 | Dynamic Conversion Value | An amount you assign in the Line Properties to certain pixels, or a dynamic value you pass to DSP via your pixels that represents the actual value in a shopping cart. | Y | N | N | |
317 | Very First Conversion | Includes only the first conversion attributed to an event and ignores any subsequent conversions that map to the same event. | Y | N | N | |
318 | Moat GroupM Viewability Rate | The percentage of video impressions Moat records as meeting the GroupM standard for viewability relative to the number of Moat-measurable impressions. | Y | Y | N | |
319 | Unique Converters | The number of converters who are unique users. | Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
320 | Unique Click Through Converters | The number of click through converters who are unique users. | Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
321 | Unique View Through Converters | The number of view through converters who are unique users. | Y | N | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
322 | Programmatic Guaranteed Deal Fee | The fee charged for running programmatic guaranteed lines using DSP. | Y | Y | N | |
328 | Third Party Conversions | Reports the number of conversions that were received from SKAdNetwork or real time Honor Claims/Arbitration Results conversions for supported Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs). | Y | Y | N | |
329 | Audience Impressions | A unit of measure that includes the total number of times people passing Digital-Out-Of-Home screens are likely to notice a message. | Y | Y | N | |
330 | Data Fee Tax | The city, county, and state government tax amount in dollars charged on top of the Total Data Fee. Tax rates vary based on the city, county, and state in which the supply partner is headquartered. Tax rates are subject to change. | Y | Y | N | Metric only available if your seat is enabled to bid and report SAAS tax. |
334 | Inventory Cost Tax | The city, county, and state government tax amount in dollars charged on top of the Inventory Cost. Tax rates vary based on the city, county, and state in which the supply partner is headquartered. Tax rates are subject to change. | Y | Y | N | Metric only available if your seat is enabled to bid and report SAAS tax. |
338 | Management Fee Tax | The city, county, and state government tax amount in dollars charged on top of the Management Fee. Tax rates vary based on the city, county, and state in which the supply partner is headquartered. Tax rates are subject to change. | Y | Y | N | Metric only available if your seat is enabled to bid and report SAAS tax. |
346 | Vendor Fee Tax | The city, county, and state government tax amount in dollars charged on top of the Total Vendor Fee. Tax rates vary based on the city, county, and state in which the supply partner is headquartered. Tax rates are subject to change. | Y | Y | N | Metric only available if your seat is enabled to bid and report SAAS tax. |
350 | Total Tax | The total tax amount on all fees related to your use of DSP and third-party services (Data Fees, Inventory Costs, Management Fees, Platform Fees, and Vendor Fees). | Y | Y | N | Metric only available if your seat is enabled to bid and report SAAS tax. |
365 | Cost Per Valid Video View (CPV) | A Cost per View (CPV) goal tracks the advertiser cost as it relates to the number of times end users view an ad:
| Y | Y | N | |
371 | Bid Price Without Multiplier Advertiser Currency | The bid price without a bid multiplier in the advertiser’s currency. | Y | Y | N | Only valid when data source = 15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
373 | Bid Price Without Multiplier Seat Currency | The bid price without a bid multiplier in the seat currency. | Y | Y | N | Only valid when data source = 15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
375 | Bid CPM Advertiser Currency | The CPM bid in the advertiser currency. | Y | Y | N | Only valid when data source = 15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
377 | Bid CPM Seat Currency | The CPM bid in the seat currency. | Y | Y | N | Only valid when data source = 15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
382 | Bid Shading Cost Savings | The amount of money you save from DSP bid shading on first-price auctions. | Y | Y | N | Only valid when data source = 15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
386 | Companion Impressions | The number of impressions recorded for companion creatives. | Y | Y | N | |
387 | Companion Clicks | The number of clicks recorded for companion creatives. | Y | Y | N | |
390 | Mail Ad Opens | The number of impressions of the Mail Ad asset. | Y | N | Y | |
391 | Mail Ad Form Submits | When you use the Sponsored Mail Form-Fill format, the number of completed forms. | Y | N | Y | |
392 | Mail Ad Saves | The number of mail users who clicked Save. | Y | N | Y | |
393 | Mail Ad Forwards | The number of email addresses the email was forwarded to. | Y | N | Y | |
394 | Mail Ad Click Outs | The number of users who clicked a link to out the advertiser landing page. | Y | N | Y | |
395 | Mail Ad Submit Rate | When a user interacts with sponsored mail form-fill ads, the rate at which those users completed the form for submission. | Y | N | Y | |
396 | Mail Ad Saves Rate | The rate of mail saves over mail opens. | Y | N | Y | |
397 | Mail Ad Forward Rate | The rate of mail forwards over mail opens. | Y | N | Y | |
398 | Mail Ad Click Outs Rate | The rate of mail click outs over mail opens. | Y | N | Y | |
399 | Filtered Companion Impressions | Tracks the number of Filtered Companion Impressions. | Y | N | Y | 500,000 row limit per report |
400 | Filtered Companion Clicks | Tracks the number of Filtered Companion Clicks. | Y | Y | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
426 | Estimated Billable Amount | Tracks the The costs and fees associated with lines or campaigns.
Note: You can request the Estimated Billable Amount using the Advertiser Currency, Seat Currency or Campaign Currency. Check out Report Option Object for details. | Y | N | N | |
430 | Unique People | The number of users that the Yahoo cross-device people graph identifies as unique people. | Y | Y | N | |
431 | Converters by People | The number of converters that the Yahoo cross-device people graph identifies as unique people. | Y | Y | N | |
432 | Click Through Converters by People | The number of click-through converters that the Yahoo cross-device people graph identifies as unique people. | Y | Y | N | |
433 | View Through Converters by People | The number of view-through converters that the Yahoo cross-device people graph identifies as unique people. | Y | Y | N | |
441 | Cost Per Tune-In | For CTV lines, the Cost Per Tune-In. | Y | N | N | |
446 | Unique Households | For CTV lines, the number of unique households. EU users may have access to limited data because of privacy restrictions. | Y | Y | N | |
447 | Average Frequency per Household | For Connected TV (CTV) lines, this is defined as the average impressions per household (Impressions / Unique Households). European Union (EU) advertisers may have access to limited data due to privacy restrictions. | Y | Y | N | |
448 | Average Impression Multiplier | Tracks the average impression multiplier on Digital-Out-Of-Home screens.
| Y | Y | N | |
453 | Estimated Number of Store Visits | Tracks the number of store visits. | Y | Y | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
455 | Estimated Unique Store Visitors | Tracks the number of unique store visitors. | Y | Y | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
456 | Estimated Store Visit Through Rate (VTR) | Tracks the visit through rate.
| Y | Y | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
457 | Estimated Cost per Store Visit (CPSv) | Tracks the cost per store visit.
| Y | Y | N | 500,000 row limit per report |
461 | Very First View Through Conversion | Tracks the count of view-through conversions generated where the ad was the user’s first view exposure. | Y | Y | N | |
462 | Very First Click Through Conversion | Tracks the count of click-through conversions generated where the ad was the user’s first click exposure. | Y | Y | N | |
463 | Very First View Through CPA | Tracks the cost per very first view through conversion: Very First View Through | Y | N | N | |
464 | Very First Click Through CPA | Tracks the cost per very first click through conversion: Very First Click Through | Y | N | N | |
465 | View Through Dynamic Conversion Value | The monetary value of each dynamic view-through conversion to the advertiser. The advertiser enters this value when they create a new line. | Y | N | N | |
466 | View Through Dynamic Conversion ROAS | Tracks the return on ad spend: | Y | N | N | |
467 | Click Through Dynamic Conversion Value | The monetary value of each dynamic click-through conversion to the advertiser. The advertiser enters this value when they create a new line. | Y | N | N | |
468 | Click Through Dynamic Conversion ROAS | Tracks the return on ad spend:
| Y | N | N | |
469 | View Through Conversion Value | The monetary value of each view-through conversion to the advertiser. The advertiser enters this value when they create a new line. | Y | Y | N | |
470 | View Through ROAS | Tracks the return on ad spend:
| Y | N | N | |
471 | Click Through Conversion Value | The monetary value of each click-through conversion to the advertiser. The advertiser enters this value when they create a new line. | Y | Y | N | |
472 | Click Through ROAS | Tracks the return on ad spend:
| Y | N | N | |
473 | Very First View Through Conversion Value | (Yahoo Native Only) The monetary value of a user’s first view-through conversion. | Y | Y | N | |
474 | Very First View Through ROAS | Tracks the return on ad spend:
| Y | N | N | |
475 | Very First Click Through Conversion Value | (Yahoo Native Only) The monetary value of a user’s first click-through conversion. | Y | Y | N | |
476 | Very First Click Through ROAS | Tracks the return on ad spend:
| Y | N | N | |
523 | Average People Frequency | Tracks the number of measurable impressions by people per Unique people: | Y | Y | N | |
560 | Yahoo+ Demo Fee | In cases where Yahoo charges a demographic fee, this is the fee for all impressions with age and gender targeting. | Y | Y | N | |
564 | Yahoo Segment Fee | The data fee applied for the use of the following types of Yahoo audiences (Mail Domain, POI Location, Purchase Receipt, Search Keyword, Tailored Audience, Lookalike Audience and Predictive Audiences). | Y | Y | N | |
570 | Third Party Segment Fee | The data fee applied for the use of third party Data Management Platform (DMP) audiences (BlueKai, Axion, etc.) | Y | Y | N | |
583 | Available Bid Requests | The number of bid requests that were received, but did not qualify for the ad’s targeting criteria. | Y | Y | N | Valid only when dataSource=15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
584 | Average Win Rate | The rate in which impressions were delivered out of the qualified bid requests. The Average Win Rate (AWR) is calculated as the Total Impressions/Qualified Bid Requests x 100. | Y | Y | N | Valid only when dataSource=15. Not supported with Seat 56 |
619 | Tile Impressions | Tracks the impression count per each tile card. | Y | N | Y | |
624 | Tile Click Outs | Tracks the click count per each tile card. | Y | N | Y | |
705 | Tracked Actions | Pixel rules that are used for tracking events. | N | Y | N | |
714 | Total Data Fee | Tracks the fee charged for using audience data. Note: This metric was previously known as Seat Data Fee (ID: 117). Seat Data Fee is scheduled for deprecation by the end of April 2025. | Y | N | N | |
715 | Platform Fee | Tracks the technical fee charged for using the Yahoo DSP. Note: This dimension was previously known as Seat Tech Fee (ID: 116). Seat Tech Fee is scheduled for deprecation by the end of April 2025. | Y | N | N | |
716 | Inventory ECPM | Tracks the effective cost per thousand impressions that is paid to publishers: Inventory eCPM [48] = (Inventory Cost / Advertiser Spending [44]) * 1000 Note: This dimension was previously known as Publisher eCPM (ID: 48). Publisher eCPM is scheduled for deprecation by the end of April 2025. | Y | N | N | |
717 | Inventory Cost % | Tracks the publisher earnings percentage. Note: This dimension was previously known as Publisher Earnings % (ID: 47). Publisher Earnings % is scheduled for deprecation by the end of April 2025. | Y | N | N | |
721 | Yahoo+ Viewable Impressions GroupM | Yahoo+ Viewable Impressions GroupM = Group M considers an ad viewable when 100% of the pixels in a display ad are in view; and for video, 100% of the video must be viewable for 50% of its duration | ||||
723 | Yahoo+ Viewability Rate GroupM | Yahoo+ Viewability Rate GroupM = The percentage of measured impressions that were viewable, as measured by Yahoo per Group M standard. (Group M Viewable Impressions / Measured Impressions) | ||||
724 | Inventory Cost | Tracks the amount paid to publishers. Note: This dimension was previously known as Publisher Earnings (ID: 46). Publisher Earnings is scheduled for deprecation by the end of April 2025. | Y | N | N |