- 1 Minute to read
Digital Out Of Home
- 1 Minute to read
This article describes services and resources for reading DOOH values and creating DOOH screen lists.
Digital Out of Home (DOOH) lines can be used to reach digital screens in locations outside of the home. This includes locations like airports, bus stops, billboards, gas stations, doctor’s offices, shopping malls, workplaces and more.
Read Screen Owners
Retrieve a list of available DOOH screen owners.
Use the GET
HTTP method to view the current list of available screen owners.
The DoohScreenOwner
object contains the following fields:
Field | Description | Data Type |
| Specifies the Screen Owner ID. |
| Specifies the name of the Screen Owner. |
Sample Request URL
GET https://dspapi.admanagerplus.yahoo.com/traffic/dooh/screenowners
Sample Response (Partial)
"response": [
"id": 1,
"name": "AdTower"
"id": 3,
"name": "A LOT Media"
"errors": null,
"timeStamp": "2022-06-24T20:35:01Z"
Read Venue Types
Retrieve a list of available DOOH venue types.
Use the GET
HTTP method to view the current list of available venue types.
The DoohVenueType
object contains the following fields:
Field | Description | Data Type |
| Specifies the Venue Type ID. |
| Specifies the name of the Venue Type. |
Sample Request URL
GET https://dspapi.admanagerplus.yahoo.com/traffic/dooh/venuetypes
Sample Response (Partial)
"response": [
"id": 2,
"label": "Retail"
"id": 1,
"label": "Transit"
"errors": null,
"timeStamp": "2022-08-28T08:59:32.130Z"
Read Screen Lists
Retrieve a list of available DOOH screen lists.
Use the GET
HTTP method to view the current list of available screen lists.
The DoohScreenList
object contains the following fields:
Field | Description | Data Type |
| Specifies the screen list ID. |
| Specifies the account id of the screen list. |
| Specifies the name of the screen list. |
Sample Request URL
GET https://dspapi.admanagerplus.yahoo.com/traffic/dooh/screenlists
Sample Response
"response": [
"id": 1,
"accountId": 15215,
"name": "Test Clone Advertiser Screen List"
"id": 2,
"accountId": 15215,
"name": "Test Screen List"
"errors": null,
"timeStamp": "2023-01-23T13:45:09.492Z"
Create Screen Lists
Create a new DOOH screen list.
Use the POST
HTTP method to create a new screen list.
The screenlists
object contains the following fields:
Field | Description | Data Type | Create |
| Specifies the account id of the screen list. |
| Required |
| Specifies the name of the screen list. |
| Required |
| Specifies the screen list data. |
| Required |
Sample Request URL
POST https://dspapi.admanagerplus.yahoo.com/traffic/dooh/screenlists
Sample Request Body
"accountId": 491,
"name": "DOOH Screen List For Campaign 123 ",
"screenListData": "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"
Sample Response
"response": {
"id": 34,
"accountId": 491,
"name": "DOOH Screen List For Campaign 123 "
"errors": null,
"timeStamp": "2023-01-30T13:08:37.385Z"