- 2 Minutes to read
Conversion Rule Audiences
- 2 Minutes to read
A conversion rule audience enables you to target custom audiences based on conversion rules. A conversion rule audience is built from Dot tags created via the Beacons API. Before you set up conversion rules for your audience, create the Dot tags on which the audience will be built.
You can only build a conversion rule audience for one advertiser at a time, not for an entire seat.
Use the
method to read an existing conversion rule audience.Use the
method to create a new conversion rule audience.Use the
method to update an existing conversion rule audience.
The conversion_rule
resource defines a conversion rule audience. The conversion_rule
resource contains the following fields:
Field | Description | Data Type | Create | Update |
| Specifies the audience ID. |
| N/A | Required |
| Specifies the name of the audience. |
| Required | Optional |
| Specifies the current status of the audience. By default,
| Optional | Optional |
| Specifies the advertiser ID. If specified, the conversion rule audience is tied to a specific advertiser and can only be used in that advertiser’s campaigns. To learn more, refer to Advertisers. |
| Required | Required |
| Specifies the pixel rule ID of the associated pixel rule. |
| Required | N/A |
| Read-only field that specifies the pixel rule name of the associated pixel rule. |
| N/A | N/A |
| Read-only field that specifies the size of the associated pixel rule. |
| N/A | N/A |
Read Audience
Read a specific conversion rule audience.
GET /traffic/audiences/conversion_rule/{id}?accountId={accountId}
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description | Data Type | Required |
| path | Specifies the audience ID. |
| Y |
| query | Specifies the advertiser ID. |
| Y |
Sample Request URL
GET https://dspapi.admanagerplus.yahoo.com/traffic/audiences/audiences/conversion_rule/50259012?accountId=1356341
Sample Response
"response": {
"status": "ACTIVE",
"id": 50259012,
"name": "HP Conversion Audience",
"accountId": 1356341,
"pixelRuleName": "HP Conversion",
"pixelRuleId": 10055198,
"pixelRuleSize": 58888
"errors": null,
"timeStamp": "2017-10-20T19:04:17Z"
Read Conversion Rules
Get a filtered list conversion rules for specific advertisers.
GET /traffic/audiences/conversion_rule/lookups?accountId={accountId}&query={query}&page={page}&limit={limit}&sort={sort}&dir={dir}
Name | Type | Description | Data Type | Required |
| query | Specifies the advertiser ID. |
| Y |
| query | Specifies the search terms. Use URL encoding conversions (i.e. a space should be replaced with a |
| N |
| query | Specifies the page number. |
| N |
| query | Specifies the total number of items to return. Maximum allowed value is |
| N |
| query | Specifies the column to sort by. |
| N |
| query | Specifies the sort direction. Allowed values:
| N |
Sample Request URL
GET https://dspapi.admanagerplus.yahoo.com/traffic/audiences/conversion_rule/lookups?accountId=1356341&page=1&limit=3&sort=name&dir=desc
Sample Response
"response": [
"id": 10023297,
"name": "結帳頁面",
"uniqueUserCount": 2
"id": 152028,
"name": "Z_Flow_PxlZzaS8vG1Uu",
"uniqueUserCount": 0
"id": 149474,
"name": "Z_Flow_PxlZwQx1KmESq",
"uniqueUserCount": 0
Create Audience
Create a new conversion rule audience.
POST /traffic/audiences/conversion_rule
Conversion rule audiences take about 24 hours to populate.
All fields are specified in the body of the application/json
Sample Request URL
POST https://dspapi.admanagerplus.yahoo.com/traffic/audiences/conversion_rule
Sample Request Body
"name": "Create_Conversion_Rule",
"accountId": 1356341,
"pixelRuleId": 10067237,
"status": "ACTIVE"
Sample Response
"response": {
"status": "ACTIVE",
"id": 50389217,
"name": "Create_Conversion_Rule",
"accountId": 1356341,
"pixelRuleName": "FH P2_Player-JoinPublic",
"pixelRuleId": 10067237,
"pixelRuleSize": 2605
"errors": null,
"timeStamp": "2017-10-11T00:33:54Z"
Update Audience
Update an existing conversion rule audience.
Once a conversion rule audience is created, it can not be changed except for its name or status.
PUT /traffic/audiences/conversion_rule/{id}
Partial updates are supported; values of supported fields that are not in the payload remain unchanged.
The audience id
is specified in the endpoint path. All other fields are specified in the body of the application/json
Sample Request URL
PUT https://dspapi.admanagerplus.yahoo.com/traffic/audiences/conversion_rule/50259012
Sample Request Body
"name": "audienceTest_2",
"accountId": 1356341
Sample Response
"response": {
"status": "ACTIVE",
"id": 50259012,
"name": "audienceTest_2",
"accountId": 1356341,
"pixelRuleName": "HP Conversion",
"pixelRuleId": 10055198,
"pixelRuleSize": 58888
"errors": null,
"timeStamp": "2017-10-20T19:04:17Z"
Delete Audiences
The DSP Traffic API does not support deletion of conversion rule audiences.