Bulk Upload Creative Data
  • 4 Minutes to read

    Bulk Upload Creative Data

      Article summary

      This section contains tables with supported data for bulk uploading or editing third-party display and video creatives.

      Refer to the following sections:

      Bulk Upload Display Creative Data

      The following table contains supported data for bulk uploading or editing third-party display creatives.




      Creative Name


      For new creatives, leave this column blank; DSP generates a new creative name for you.

      Ad Type


      Banner, MRAID, or Rich Media

      Ad Code


      The third-party ad tag for the creative.



      Yes or No. Yes for HTTPS creatives or No for HTTP creatives.

      Ad Size


      The image size, for example: 300x250 or 1000x30.

      User Interaction Type

      Required for rich media ads; Optional for MRAID and Banner ads

      A comma-separated list of user interaction types (On Load, On Click, or On Hover).

      Expand Direction

      Required for rich media ads; Optional for MRAID and Banner ads

      A comma-separated list of ad expansion directions (Left, Right, Up, Down, FullScreen, or Automatic).



      The creative status (Active or Inactive).

      Enable Ad Choices


      Enter Yes or No to show or hide the Ad Choices CLEAR Ad Notice near the ad.

      Creative Category

      Required for alcohol ads

      For alcohol ads, enter Alcohol Ad.

      Custom Id


      If you want to add your own internal creative ID, a comma-separated list of custom creative Ids, such as Id1,Id2.

      Landing Page URL


      The domain that corresponds to the final landing page for your ad. Optionally enter a valid URL.

      Validated Landing Page URL


      Leave this cell blank. If you entered a valid landing page URL, DSP enters the validated URL for you.

      Tracking URL 1


      Optionally add up to five impression tracking URLs (one can be a click tracking URL) for the creative to track impressions or clicks on the ad server of your choice. Must be a valid URL.

      Tracking URL Type 1

      Required if you enter a Tracking URL 1

      Enter “Impression” or “Click” to specify the type of tracking URL.

      Tracking URL 2


      Optionally add up to five impression tracking URLs (one can be a click tracking URL) for the creative to track impressions or clicks on the ad server of your choice. Must be a valid URL.

      Tracking URL Type 2

      Required if you enter a Tracking URL 2

      Enter “Impression” or “Click” to specify the type of tracking URL.

      Tracking URL 3


      Optionally add up to five impression tracking URLs (one can be a click tracking URL) for the creative to track impressions or clicks on the ad server of your choice. Must be a valid URL.

      Tracking URL Type 3

      Required if you enter a Tracking URL 3

      Enter “Impression” or “Click” to specify the type of tracking URL.

      Tracking URL 4


      Optionally add up to five impression tracking URLs (one can be a click tracking URL) for the creative to track impressions or clicks on the ad server of your choice. Must be a valid URL.

      Tracking URL Type 4

      Required if you enter a Tracking URL 4

      Enter “Impression” or “Click” to specify the type of tracking URL.

      Tracking URL 5


      Optionally add up to five impression tracking URLs (one can be a click tracking URL) for the creative to track impressions or clicks on the ad server of your choice. Must be a valid URL.

      Tracking URL Type 5

      Required if you enter a Tracking URL 5

      Enter “Impression” or “Click” to specify the type of tracking URL.

      Creative Id


      For new creatives, leave this column blank; DSP generates a new creative Id for you.

      Bulk Upload Video Creative Data

      The following table contains supported data for bulk uploading or editing third-party video creatives.




      Creative Name


      For new creatives, leave this column blank; DSP generates a new creative name for you.

      Creative URL


      The third-party creative URL. Requires a valid URL that is reachable.



      The creative status (Active or Inactive).

      Enable Ad Choices


      Enter Yes or No to show or hide the Ad Choices CLEAR Ad Notice near the ad.

      Creative Category

      Required for alcohol ads

      For alcohol ads, enter Alcohol Ad.

      Custom Id


      If you want to add your own internal creative ID, a comma-separated list of custom creative Ids, such as Id1,Id2.

      Landing Page URL


      The domain that corresponds to the final landing page for your ad. Optionally enter a valid URL.

      Validated Landing Page URL


      Leave this cell blank. If you entered a valid landing page URL, DSP enters the validated URL for you.

      Tracking URL 1


      Optionally add up to five impression tracking URLs (one can be a click tracking URL) for the creative to track impressions or clicks on the ad server of your choice. Must be a valid URL.

      Tracking URL Type 1

      Required if you enter a Tracking URL 1

      Enter “Impression,” “Click,” “25%,” “50%,” “75%,” or “100%” to specify the type of tracking URL.

      Tracking URL 2


      Optionally add up to five impression tracking URLs (one can be a click tracking URL) for the creative to track impressions or clicks on the ad server of your choice. Must be a valid URL.

      Tracking URL Type 2

      Required if you enter a Tracking URL 2

      Enter “Impression,” “Click,” “25%,” “50%,” “75%,” or “100%” to specify the type of tracking URL.

      Tracking URL 3


      Optionally add up to five impression tracking URLs (one can be a click tracking URL) for the creative to track impressions or clicks on the ad server of your choice. Must be a valid URL.

      Tracking URL Type 3

      Required if you enter a Tracking URL 3

      Enter “Impression,” “Click,” “25%,” “50%,” “75%,” or “100%” to specify the type of tracking URL.

      Tracking URL 4


      Optionally add up to five impression tracking URLs (one can be a click tracking URL) for the creative to track impressions or clicks on the ad server of your choice. Must be a valid URL.

      Tracking URL Type 4

      Required if you enter a Tracking URL 4

      Enter “Impression,” “Click,” “25%,” “50%,” “75%,” or “100%” to specify the type of tracking URL.

      Tracking URL 5


      Optionally add up to five impression tracking URLs (one can be a click tracking URL) for the creative to track impressions or clicks on the ad server of your choice. Must be a valid URL.

      Tracking URL Type 5

      Required if you enter a Tracking URL 5

      Enter “Impression,” “Click,” “25%,” “50%,” “75%,” or “100%” to specify the type of tracking URL.

      Creative Id


      For new creatives, leave this column blank; DSP generates a new creative Id for you.

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