About Audiences
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    About Audiences

      Article summary

      About Audiences

      This article provides an overview of Yahoo DSP API support for programmatically creating, updating, and managing audiences using the DSP Traffic API.


      An audience is a collection of consumers with similar interests, habits, or online and offline behaviors. The Yahoo DSP enables you to build audiences that are most responsive to your campaigns, are most likely to convert, or are otherwise advantageous.

      You can define an audience at the seat or the advertiser level. Any advertiser within a seat can target seat-level audiences. Advertiser-level audiences are tied to a specific advertiser.

      • Device ID, Email Address, IP Address and Lookalike audiences are all advertiser-level audiences.

      • You can define Composite, Mail Domain, Mail Event, Point Of Interest and Search Keyword audiences at either the advertiser level or the seat level.

      Audience Types

      The Yahoo DSP supports the following audience types:

      Audience Type



      Seat Level

      Advertiser Level


      Use a composite audience to build and target custom audiences based on a combination of first-party data, third-party data, and Yahoo data.




      Device ID

      Use a device ID audience to target custom, device-based audiences. Every device ID audience is based on a list of Apple iOS Identifier for Advertising (IDFA) IDs, or Google Play Advertising IDs (GPADVID) that you provide and use for line targeting.




      Email Address

      An email address audience is a custom audience you create by providing email addresses.




      IP Address

      An IP Address audience is a custom audience you create by providing a list of SHA256-hashed IP addresses.





      A lookalike audience expands the reach of audiences by identifying consumers that are similar to known customers. Lookalike audiences may be based on custom data, Yahoo data, and third-party data.




      Mail Domain

      A mail domain audience is an audience segment that is comprised of Yahoo Mail customers associated with one or more email domains. A mail domain audience may include consumers that have received email from one or more specified domains, consumers that have not received email from one or more specified domains, or a combination of the two.




      Mail Event (Purchase Receipt)

      Use a mail event audience to target consumers based on sales receipts. Advertisers can define the parameters of their audience based on purchase confirmation emails in Yahoo users’ inboxes for individual products, airline bookings, hotel reservations, and more.




      Point of Interest

      Use a POI location audience to identify and to target consumers who have visited points of interests on specific dates and build custom audiences such as holiday shoppers, vacation travelers, sporting event attendees, and so on.




      Search Keyword

      A search keyword audience identifies Yahoo Search users based on their search history. Search keyword audiences are defined by an array of keywords (words and phrases searched) and excludeKeywords (words and keywords not searched). Yahoo Search users are included in the audience only if their search history meets both criteria.




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