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Security & Authentication
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All DataX API calls must take place over HTTPS. Partner’s client implementations must validate Yahoo Ad Tech’s DataX server certificate prior to interacting with it.
DataX does not support any clear-text API calls.
Get API Keys
Follow these steps to obtain API Keys:
Log into developer.yahoo.com
Create a new project at: https://developer.yahoo.com/apps/create/
Application Name: <a name>
Application Type: Web-based
Description: <a description>
Home Page URL: <though not relevant in this context, specify your homepage url.>
Access Scopes: This app will only access public APIs, Web Services
Premium API services: <leave unchecked>
Save the following information from the next screen:
Application ID - displayed below the Application Name (an 8 character string, e.g., Qe78Z23f).
Consumer Key
Consumer Secret (keep secret!)
Change your consumer Secret at any time by visiting https://developer.yahoo.com with the login credentials you used to create this Application. Once back at the Application screen that displays your Consumer Key & Consumer Secret, click “Save and Change Consumer Key” (toggle a permission to activate the button), to generate a new Consumer Secret.
Be sure to work with your Yahoo Ad Tech contact to onboard the above Application ID on DataX. Internally, this Application ID will be used to identify you as a certain data provider/partner.
Use your Consumer key and Consumer Secret in every call made to
, via an Oauth library. Refer to Appendix A for examples.