Cookie Mapping
  • 3 Minutes to read

    Cookie Mapping

      Article summary

      For GDPR compliance purposes, Yahoo is adding new parameters to its UPS cookie sync pixel for our providers to share data-consent from EU users. See below for instructions on how to implement these new parameters.

      The new parameters are gdpr and euconsent. Note that it is the publisher’s responsibility to acquire the consent information and pass it to Yahoo via these parameters.

      Parameter Names

      • gdpr - use this to pass EU user consent:

        • true - Europe audience data. Data provider indicates that the data is subject to GDPR regulations.

        • false - Rest of the world. Data provider indicates that the data is not subject to GDPR regulations.

        • empty - DataX will handle the jurisdiction flag as true and process the data applying GDPR regulations.

      • euconsent - use this to include user consent attributes (using IAB Purpose bit descriptions):

        • Storage and Access of Information - the storage of information, or access to information that is already stored, on user device such as accessing advertising identifiers and/or other device identifiers, and/or using cookies or similar technologies.

        • Personalisation or Personalization - the collection and processing of information about user of a site to subsequently personalise advertising for them in other contexts, i.e., on other sites or apps, over time. Typically, the content of the site or app is used to make inferences about user interests, which inform future selections.


      • The gdpr value must be included (true or false) at the time of the pixel fire.

        • false - data provider indicates that the data is not subject to GDPR regulations.

        • true - data provider indicates that the data is subject to GDPR regulations.

        • empty - UPS cookie sync pixel will decide the user’s jurisdiction based on the user’s IP address and stored profile.

      • euconsent GDPR user-consent string. Required if the gdpr parameter is set to 1 or true.

      • Parameter values are case-insensitive.

      • If gdpr and euconsent parameters ARE NOT included as part of the UPS cookie sync pixel.

        • Yahoo will look at the user’s IP address and store the profile to retrieve jurisdiction and consent status.

        • Yahoo will drop all EU-based identified users and process all others.

      UPS Cookie Sync

      The Yahoo UPS cookie sync enables data partners to initiate a cookie sync and receive a unique encrypted Yahoo cookie ID (AXID). This encrypted ID will then be used to post cookie data via Yahoo’s DataX API.

      Partner requirements:

      • Yahoo developer APP ID.

      • Preferred endpoint for Yahoo to use as the redirect described below.

      • Expose Yahoo’s cookie sync to high volumes of your traffic for at least 3-4 weeks prior to integration completion.


      Yahoo recommends that the pixel is fired for each user every 14 days.


      The workflow is illustrated in the mapping table shown below:

      The optional sequence is as follows:

      1. A web browser visits the site with a Yahoo cookie sync. The web browser requests a cookie sync pixel with the partner cookie id appended to the url (for example, hostedid=abc).

      2. Yahoo stores the mapping between the Yahoo id / partner on receipt of the request. In return, the Yahoo UPS server response can be configured to either:

        • Respond with a redirect to the partner cookie sync and the Yahoo cookie id (AXID) is appended to the partner url (for example, user_id=123).

        • Alternatively, the Yahoo UPS server can perform a 204 (success, no content) instead of a 302 with AXID. This saves an additional redirect/request if the partner has no use for it.

      3. (optional): The web browser requests the partner cookie sync.


      The following table describes the pixel parameters for the Yahoo UPS cookie sync pixel. Note that GDPR flags are required.

      Pixel URL:******&gdpr=1&gdpr_consent=....[&_hosted_id={user_id}]



      /ups/####/cms (Required)

      #### is a numeric id that denotes the pixel id.

      partner_id=****** (Required)

      Each endpoint contains an alphanumeric key (the example ****** is used here) that uniquely identifies the partner.

      gdpr (Required)

      Indicates if the user is from a gdpr-regulated region or not. Accepted values are 1 or 0, or true or false.

      gdpr_consent (Required)

      GDPR user consent string. Required if the gdpr parameter set to 1 or true.

      _hosted_id (for optional workflow only)

      Partner’s user identifier.


      The Global Privacy Platform (GPP) consent string. For example: gpp=DBACNYA~CPXxRfAPXxRfAAfKABENB-CgAAAAAAAAAAYgAAAAAAAA~1YNNgpp.


      An optional 1 digit index into the gpp string, if the consent string contains more than 1 jurisdiction consent.


      The Yahoo cookie sync pixel will perform a 302 redirect to the configured partner endpoint.

      An example redirect URL: Redirect:




      The Yahoo cookie id (AXID). You can configure the name of this parameter. For example, Yahoo Cookie ID (AXID): y-IQL5XeRE2pTnnQ2ucKxA5m3ObIil3SM08A--~A.

      gdpr and gdpr_consent

      GDPR parameters will be appended in the same format described above.

      gpp and gpp_sid

      Global Privacy Platform (GPP) parameters will be appended in the same format described above.

      Parameter forwarding

      The Yahoo cookie sync can be configured to forward parameters. That means, their values can be passed into the Yahoo cookie sync to the redirect pixel. You need to provide a list of the parameters you would like forwarded.

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