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      Article summary

      New DataX external parameters have been created for our /Audience, /Segment and /Attribute APIs to support new GDPR regulations for European Union consent.

      Parameter Names

      • gdpr - use to pass EU user consent:

        • true - Europe audience data. Data provider indicates that the data is subject to GDPR regulations.

        • false - Rest of the world. Data provider indicates that the data is not subject to GDPR regulations.

        • empty - DataX will handle the jurisdiction flag as true and process data applying GDPR regulations.

      • euconsent - use to include user consent attributes (using IAB Purpose bit descriptions):

        • Storage and Access of Information - the storage of information, or access to information that is already stored, on user device such as accessing advertising identifiers and/or other device identifiers, and/or using cookies or similar technologies.

        • Personalisation or Personalization - the collection and processing of information about user of a site to subsequently personalise advertising for them in other contexts, i.e., on other sites or apps, over time. Typically, the content of the site or app is used to make inferences about user interests, which inform future selections.


      • The gdpr value must be included (with a value of either true or false) at the time of the of the audience post.

      • The euconsent parameter MUST contain the following values (storage and access of information, personalisation) when gdpr is set to true and gdpr_mode is oath_is_controller, otherwise DataX could ignore all records.

      Additional information is available on Controller vs Processor.

      Audience POST Request Example:

      Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
      Content-Disposition: form-data; name="metadata"
              "description" : "user qualifications – daily bucket 05/19/2013",
              "extensions" : { "urnType" : "Audience Data Type Goes Here" },
      Content-Type: application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8
      Content-Disposition: form-data; name="data"
      < bz2 compressed data >
      Content-Type: application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8
      Content-Disposition: form-data; name="gdpr"
      true or false
      Content-Type: application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8
      Content-Disposition: form-data; name="euconsent"
      storage and Access of Information, personalisation

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