Integrate with Yahoo ConnectID: Google Secure Signals
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    Integrate with Yahoo ConnectID: Google Secure Signals

      Article summary

      Publishers need a privacy-centric solution to bridge the identity gap while continuing to generate revenue amidst the changes in signal loss and privacy regulations due to the ongoing evolution of the identity landscape. Built on the robust and proprietary Yahoo Identity Graph, Yahoo ConnectID is a future-proofed solution designed to enable ad tech platforms to consistently recognize and match users across the open web.

      Google Secure Signals is only one of the mechanisms for integrating with ConnectID. It is appropriate for any seller that leverages Google Ad Manager.

      Integration Overview

      A ConnectID integration via Google Secure Signals consists of 3 high-level steps:

      • Enable and auto-deploy ConnectID script from Google Ad Manager

      • Share ConnectID with Yahoo DSP.

      • Ensure ConnectID module can read data necessary to generate ConnectIDs.  

      Deploy ConnectID from Google Ad Manager

      1. Sign into Google Ad Manager.

      2. Click Inventory > Secure Signals. A table displays the Secure Signals that can be shared.

      3. Under the “Status” toggle, enable Yahoo ConnectID.

      4. Next step is to deploy the signal collection script for Yahoo ConnectID. Under “Signal Collection Deployment” please enable one of the following toggles:

        • Google auto-deployment of signal collection script.

        • Prebid UserID module - use this only if an existing Prebid ConnectID integration already exists.

      5. Click Save.

      Share ConnectID with Yahoo DSP

      1. Click Delivery > Bidders.

      2. Select Authorized Buyers or Open Bidding.

        1. If Authorized Buyers selected, select both Yahoo Bidder names: Yahoo - App & Display and Yahoo - Video.

          * note that in your list of companies in GAM, you may have edited “Yahoo” to one of our prior DSP names: Verizon > Oath >or AOL. With that, if searching Yahoo does not provide our bidder result, please search under your edited company name for our DSP and be sure BOTH names or 2 total are selected.

        2. For Open Bidding, click Settings and turn on the “Allow Secure Signals sharing” toggle.

      3. Click Save. Yahoo DSP now receives Yahoo ConnectID.

      Configure Data to be Received by ConnectID Script

      With completion of the previous steps, ConnectID script is now running on the seller’s domain(s) and Yahoo DSP is set up to receive ConnectIDs from ad requests. The final step ensures that data is available on the page to be read by ConnectID script.

      1. ConnectID auto-generates first-party cookies used in creation of ConnectID, but in addition, ConnectID script also uses SHA-256 hashed emails stored in “yahooId” cookie storage. A seller must ensure that any emails available to them from their users are lowercase, trimmed of white space and SHA-256 hashed. The hashed value should be stored as “yahooId” cookie by the seller. ConnectID script will read the value stored under “yahooId” cookie and use it for ConnectID generation.

      For reference, the following links in Google’s Help Center also outline instructions for Secure Signals:

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